
Our 242 Vision calls for doing what the first Christians did in Acts 2:42. In joy and thankfulness for the Good News, they lived in community, studying, playing, eating, and praying together.
We didn't just make that up. It's Acts 2:42, which says, “They devoted themselves to the apostles’ teaching and to fellowship, to the breaking of bread and to prayer.”
We form 242 Lifegroups that do life together in the same way--devoted to the same things. You can join a 242 Lifegroup, or create a new one.

242 Lifegroups with a special interest get together to enjoy their favorite activity. These groups can do most anything, such as walking, crafting, serving, cycling, cooking, card-making, exercising, and sports-watching. Common interest groups enjoy fellowship, encourage each other, and grow spiritually, just by doing life together. Text or call Chris Sutherland at 813-365-0066 for more info.
Mango (Bay Area Church) Hosts:
Janet Zipay "Cards of Joy" Fellowship Group Activity
2nd or 3rd Sat of the month at 10:00 AM
Contact: cardsofjoyclass@yahoo.com


The disciples broke bread together! They enjoyed giving and receiving hospitality, and that includes the eating part. Eating together helps form spiritual relationships. To be part of a hospitality group, text or call Tim Stutzman at 813-785-4832.
1st Sunday Fellowship Lunch:
For all Guests and Members
1st Sunday at 11:30 am at building
Check for details in the Bay Area App
Email rejoiceinthelord0202@gmail.com to be added

From the Acts 2:42 church, the gospel spread out to the whole world. Prayer was crucial to the strength of the church and proclamation of God’s grace to the whole world. The movement continues. To join in, text or call Paul Lickman at 813-966-3889.
Mango (Bay Area Church) Hosts:
Linda Miltner
Ladies Bible Study
Tuesdays at 10:00 AM
Contact: 813-689-9620
Zoom Bible Study Hosts:
George & Pam Cline Video/Prayer/Fellowship/Music Tuesdays at 7:00 PM
Contact: 813-766-6701

In Acts 2:42, the disciples were devoted to the Apostles’ teaching—and they were teaching the scriptures. To join with others looking for spiritual growth by studying God’s word, text or call Darrel Berry at 585-721-7620.
Wesley Chapel Hosts:
Darrell & Porsche Alderman
Bible Study Fellowship
4th Sunday every month at 1pm/2pm depending on church activities
Contact (813) 788-9801
Zoom Bible Study Hosts:
Ronnie & Delbra McCullough
Bible Study Fellowship
Mondays at 7:30 PM
Contact: 727-365-3439 yourchoicehcc@yahoo.com
Brandon Hosts:
Danny & Jackie Cash
Topical study, prayer, fellowship
1st and 3rd Sundays at 6:00 PM
Contact: 615-418-0411 cashd@aol.com
Zoom Bible Study Hosts:
Mike & Karen Fanning
General Bible Study
Sundays at 6:00 PM
Contact: 813-486-0814 mike.fanning1@verizon.ne
Zoom Bible Study Hosts:
Jimmy & Renee Dubose
General Bible Study
Thursdays at 7:00 PM
Contact: jimmy.dubose35@gmail.com
Seffner Hosts:
Gary Richardson & Darrell Brown
Men's Bible Study
Tuesdays at 7:30 PM at the church building
Contact: (813) 766-7336 (Gary)
garyr4211@aol.com (Gary)
Zoom Bible Study Hosts:
Darrel & Cherry Berry
General Bible Study
Thursdays at 7:30 PM
Contact: 585-721-7620
Zoom Bible Study Hosts:
Jim & Charlene Ingram
General Bible Study
Fridays at 7:00 PM
Contact: jaingram2000@yahoo.com
Zoom Bible Study Hosts:
Tom Manley & Dave Vaughn General Bible Study
Mondays at 7:30 PM
Contact: 813-685-1934
Plant City Hosts:
Tim and Martha Stutzman
Bible Study/Hospitality
2nd and 4th Sundays at 6:00 PM
Contact: (813) 785-4832
Seffner Hosts:
Debbie Baker & Melanie Hunter
Women's Bible Study
Wednesdays at 6:45 at the church building
Contact: (813) 689-9620